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本文摘要:San Francisco Restaurant Serves Food on iPads instead of Plates旧金山饭店用iPad当盘子上菜Technology is seeping into everything, even restaurant tableware. Quince, a Michelin-starred restaurant in San Francisco has recently swapped ol fashioned porcelain plates with Apple iPads for a couple of its most popular dishes.科技早已渗透到我们生活的方方面面,甚至还包括餐馆的餐具。

San Francisco Restaurant Serves Food on iPads instead of Plates旧金山饭店用iPad当盘子上菜Technology is seeping into everything, even restaurant tableware. Quince, a Michelin-starred restaurant in San Francisco has recently swapped ol fashioned porcelain plates with Apple iPads for a couple of its most popular dishes.科技早已渗透到我们生活的方方面面,甚至还包括餐馆的餐具。旧金山获过米其林之星的Quince餐厅就开始用iPad替换瓷盘做到餐盘,鲜花自己的招牌菜。Restaurants have been using tablets instead of classic menus for years now, and some have even introduced app-powered ordering and payment options, but until not too long ago, plating seemed to be immune to this high-tech trend. Theyre feeling the heat now, though, as more and more restaurants swap them out for futuristic tablet-based dishes, in an effort to attracts tech aficionados with and appetite for fine cuisine.饭店用平板电脑替换传统菜单早已有些时日了,有些甚至还有专门的点餐和缴纳手机应用于。


The latest to join the exclusive restaurants where tablet plating is actually a thing is Quince, a San Francisco eatery run by Michael and Lindsey Tusk. They are serving a dish called ‘A Dog in Search of Gold on an Apple iPad thats playing a video of a dog hunting for truffles. If youre wondering about the connection, the dish is composed of white truffle croquettes. And in case youre not into truffles, Quince also serves frog legs on top of iPads playing videos of frogs in a pond.最近,旧金山一家由Michael 和Lindsey Tusk合开的Quince餐厅也重新加入了他们的行列。他们用iPad鲜花一款取名为“找寻黄金的狗”的菜,而iPad里正在播出一条狗搜索松露的视频。想要告诉为什么要放这个视频吗?因为这道菜里包括有白松露炸丸子。

如果松露不是你的菜,Quince还可以获取鲜花着青蛙腿的iPad,而iPad里正在播出青蛙在池塘里玩耍的视频。The idea was simply about taking the guest on a voyage to being out truffle hunting then having a moment when the truffle is dug from the ground, Michael Tusk told Inside Scoop SF. Living in San Francisco for over twenty years I have witnessed the tech boom, and I wanted to combine a little bit of gastronomy with technology and a little bit of education.Michael Tusk告诉他Inside Scoop SF网:“我们的点子很非常简单,就是让客人们体验一遍搜索并挖出松露的经历,然后再行乐趣品尝美食。在旧金山生活二十多年来,我亲眼目睹了科技的兴旺,我想要将些许美食与技术和少量教育融合在一起。

”Interestingly, Quince is reportedly the first U.S. restaurant to use tablets as plates, but definitely not the first in the world. The Daily Mail reports that restaurants in the UK have been using them for the last two years, and the Arzak restaurant, in San Sebastian, Spain, is famous for its unique glass plates with iPads encased in them.有意思的是,Quince据传是美国第一家用于平板电脑作为餐具的餐厅,但却不是全球第一家。据《每日邮报》报导,英国的餐馆两年前就开始这样做到了,而坐落于西班牙圣塞巴斯蒂安的Arzak餐厅,也因其独有的嵌入有iPad的玻璃餐具而著称。译文科香蕉英语原创,专供自学和交流用于,未经许可,切勿刊登。






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