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本文摘要:Alibaba has launched technology designed to fight fakes, as it looks to battle mounting pressure over the prevalence of counterfeit goods on its websites.阿里巴巴(Alibaba)发售了目的压制假货的技术。

Alibaba has launched technology designed to fight fakes, as it looks to battle mounting pressure over the prevalence of counterfeit goods on its websites.阿里巴巴(Alibaba)发售了目的压制假货的技术。目前该公司于是以因旗下网站上假货洪水泛滥而受到更加大的压力。The Chinese ecommerce group unveiled new, hard-to-copy symbols that are similar to QR codes — the square, crossword puzzle-like bar codes that can be scanned and read by a smartphone camera — will become part of product labels to ensure authenticity if Alibaba’s online sellers request them.这家中国电商集团发售了类似于二维码(包含一个正方形的条码,需要被智能手机扫瞄和加载)的新符号,如果阿里巴巴的线上卖家明确提出拒绝的话,这种无法被拷贝的符号将沦为商品标签的一部分,以保证商品为正品。

The announcement was designed to woo luxury brands to Alibaba’s marketplaces — L’Oréal and Ferrero Rocher, the chocolatier, already use the technology — and comes as the world’s second-largest internet company by market capitalisation is bedevilled by accusations that merchants on its platforms peddle fake goods.这一宣告是为了劝说奢华品牌重新加入阿里巴巴的线上市场——欧莱雅(L’Oréal)和巧克力生产商费列罗(Ferrero Rocher)早已在用于这一技术,而眼下这家世界第二大互联网企业(以市值计)于是以因其平台上的商家被指贩卖假货面对困难。The latest setback came in the form of a lawsuit filed in a New York court by Kering, the Paris-based group whose luxury brands include Gucci and Balenciaga, alleging the Hangzhou-based company was complicit in the sale of counterfeit goods on its sites. Alibaba said it would fight the suit, which it called “baseless” and “wasteful litigation”.近期的一起挫折是,总部坐落于巴黎、旗下享有古驰(Gucci)和巴黎世家(Balenciaga)等奢华品牌的开云集团(Kering)在纽约控告阿里巴巴,声称这家总部坐落于杭州的企业共谋参予了其网站上的假货销售。阿里巴巴称之为指控“并无任何依据”,“是多余的”,回应将申辩。

As concern over fakes has mounted in recent months, Alibaba’s share price has dropped a third from a mid-November high of $119 to $79 on May 5, its lowest point since its record-breaking New York listing in September last year.近月来针对假货的忧虑日益减少,阿里巴巴的股价从去年11月中旬每股119美元的最高点,跌到至5月5日的79美元,刷新去年9月募资规模创纪录的首次公开发行(IPO)以来的低于纪录。Alibaba’s appointment of a new chief executive on May 7 has driven a partial recovery in the share price.5月7日,阿里巴巴任命了新的首席执行官,此举推展股价攻占部分失地。In January, criticism by a Chinese regulator that counterfeit goods were ubiquitous on Alibaba’s marketplace sites spooked investors and contributed to a share sell-off that month.今年1月,中国监管机构抨击阿里巴巴的电商网站上弥漫着假货,这受惊了投资者,在一定程度上造成阿里巴巴股票当月遭挤兑。Worries over fake goods also cost Alibaba business opportunities. This month, global beauty retailer Sephora, part of French luxury goods group LVMH, chose Alibaba’s rival JD.com to host its first online store in China, citing in part concerns over fighting fakes.针对假货的忧虑也让阿里巴巴损失了一些商业机会。

本月,法国奢侈品企业路威酩轩集团(LVMH)旗下的国际美妆零售商丝芙兰(Sephora)自由选择在阿里巴巴的输掉京东商城(JD.com)上开办首家在华线上商店,称之为此举在一定程度上是出于压制假货的考虑到。Global luxury brands such as these are the target of Alibaba’s new “Blue Stars” platform, aimed at helping merchants with marketing, tracing sales, and fighting counterfeit, and which will include the QR-type code technology developed by Visualead, an Israeli start-up.此类国际奢华品牌正是阿里巴巴“Blue Stars”新的平台射击的目标。该平台目的协助商家展开市场营销、跟踪销售、以及压制假货,以色列初创企业视觉码(Visualead)研发的二维码技术将被应用于这个平台。

Alibaba took a $5m-$10m stake in the company in January. The technology is currently given away to sellers for free, say both companies.阿里巴巴1月耗资500万至1000万美元大股东视觉码。两家公司皆回应,该技术眼下免费向卖家获取。






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